Banana Mousse


    Servings:   1 - 2
   Prep time:   10 mins
   Cook time:   0 mins
  Total time:   10 mins
   Meal type:   Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Allergy list:   Banana
        Misc:   Serve Cold
      Region:   Worldwide


  • 1/2 cup Yogurt (Thick)
  • 2 Bananas
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
  • 3 teaspoon Sugar Powder
  • 100ml Whipping Cream
  • 1 Oreo Biscuits or Chocolate Chips (Optional)


  1. Place 1/2 sugar and Bananas in a blender and process for about 10 to 15 seconds at high speed until smooth
  2. Pour the whipping cream into a bowl along with the Vanilla Extract and the remaining sugar and give it a nice whip
  3. Pour the yogurt in a separate bowl and whip it
  4. Finally, gently fold the banana and yogurt in the whipped cream. You may top it up with crushed Oreo or Chocolate Chip as desired
  5. Store this mixture in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours or until cold

The Banana Mousse is now ready, serve as desired.

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